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Old 11-15-2020, 03:01 PM   #6193
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
No, forgiveness isn't conditional once there is a genuine apology. Forgiveness is conditional UPON a genuine apology, not once there is a genuine apology. Forgiveness is required once there is a genuine apology.

If you think the discussion on forgiveness points to cultism, then you have no idea what a cultist is.

You should join to set us straight since we are clearly in need of serious help.

Name-calling is a great way to start!
To me the RCC is also a cult. so he/she may have some points here.. Let me ask you Trapped- if an adult sexually raped a minor and say that he/she has repented, and begged for forgiveness and they are both Christian, does that mean forgiveness is needed on the part of the minor? It seems more complicated than that. What if the minor had no proof that the perp actually really did repent? does that mean he’s she should take the word of the perp AS IS?
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