Originally Posted by SerenityLives
As Christians, we’re supoosed to forgive everyone even if they don’t apologize.
Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
That's the standard, but without Christ's life in us and living through us, genuine forgiveness is pretty much impossible.
Wait, wait, wait, where does the Bible say "you have to forgive no matter what" (which is what "no apology" implies)?
Jesus says forgive 70x7 "
if they repent":
Luke 17:3
So watch yourselves. "If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and
if they repent, forgive them.
Jesus says in Matthew 18 that if you have a problem with someone, go talk to them. If they don't "hear" (i.e. repent) He doesn't say "you have to forgive them". He says to ratchet it up and bring more people, and then tell the church, and then treat them as unbelievers if they don't repent. He never says "forgive no matter what".
Forgiveness is always predicated on repentance. That's how God forgives us in Christ (when we acknowledge our sins and repent of them).