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Old 11-15-2020, 05:38 AM   #6165
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

Originally Posted by SerenityLives View Post
God knowing us in the womb, but my question is “when” in the womb because it’s a full nine months. Since you believe a woman cannot abort a baby once it has a heartbeat, then it would be about 5.5-6 weeks or one and a half months of first trimester that a woman can abort but not after.

And it’s easy for technology nowadays but what if we had no technology and cant tell when the heartbeat occurs? What then?
Huh? You don't read very well. I don't believe any woman should ever abort her own unborn child. I have said this repeatedly. I also said that I support legislation that stops abortions after the unborn child's heart begins beating.

But ... what if the power grid goes down? What about a neutron EMP bomb? What if Biden is elected? What then? There is just no end to these "what about" games.
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