Re: The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam
Hodos, I agree with your "Ichabod day" assessment. It is interesting that the local church points to the Old Testament ground of the temple as proof that "the church should be on the right ground". But in 1 Samuel we have the temple being on the right ground, but when the ark of the covenant is no longer there, God's glory leaves. The ark of the covenant contains the tablets with the 10 commandments, covered with the mercy seat which was sprinkled with blood once a year.
But the co-workers don't recognize the seriousness of sin or the treasure of the blood. Instead, they downplay sins, and cover sins with their own actions and schemes (rather than what God wants, which is for us to acknowledge sins so HE can be the one to cover us). And so, as in 1 Samuel, God's glory has also left the local church. So they can claim to "be on the right ground", but if we look at their idolizing of Lee and their covering up sins of their own accord, we can say with certainty that God's glory doesn't remain in that "temple".