Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Hmmm Ohio, you may be unto something here . . .
Having studied church history and the Bible, perhaps it has allowed me to see what were the initial errors that opened the door for all the others to creep in.
At the root of it all is pride and the lust for power. What was the initial false teaching that allowed all the others?
Consider the RCC, "
the authorized catholic oneness church." Don't you think that there were many godly and learned brothers within her, over centuries time, that saw the errors of papalism, Mary-worship, saint adoration, transubstantiation, idolatry, formulaic liturgy, priesthood class, celibacy, monasticism, confessionals, purgatory, inquisitions, tortures, the list of evils is endless,
but ... they were silenced by the notion that they alone were the only true church of God. They did not want to violate the oneness and the authority of the church! They were silenced by the fear of being marked out for "making divisions," the unforgivable sin.
Same thing happened to the Brethren. Darby used oneness to cut off those perceived to be rivals. Darby taught that the "ground of unity" was the common judgment of evil.
Huh? He became a worse pope than the one in Rome because it was he alone who "defined evil," and held everyone in fear of violating the oneness. So parallel to oneness is the falsity that the church always has "one man" for every move of God. This so-called leader uses the oneness, and the oneness maintains the leader's power base.
During our quarantines, I heard "
all the brothers are one except Titus Chu." Isolate potential rivals in the minds of your adherents, and then maintain control on all information. Darby also used this tactic on B.W. Newton, and then on George Mueller -- isolate and destroy with endless tracts. The RCC used this so successfully that much of "actual" church history is only known by "reverse engineering" what the RCC wrote. After the Pope ordered the slaughter of whole communities of believers located often in little mountain hamlets, no one was alive to write their side of the story.