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Old 11-14-2020, 09:23 AM   #300
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default The Cherishing Book

Maybe the Shepherding Words, the Cow-Orkers, et al, could profit from this little booklet "The Elders Book of Cherishing".

2 Ministry Excerpts On Shepherding the Saints. Here are a few examples:

1. “The condition of a church depends upon the eldership in that church. The proper
eldership is one in which all the elders contact people daily, weekly, regularly, and
consistently. The number of people the elders contact is the deciding factor of the
condition of the church in their locality.”

102. “Of course, I noticed that many of the elders are very careful not to offend the
saints or make them unhappy. This is good. But if the parents are always so good to the
children and do not correct them, the children will be spoiled. I am saying this to point
out that eventually the perfected saints will be grateful to the elders who care for them

116. “We love people. We love the opposers, and we love the top rebels. I really mean
it. We love them and do not hate them. Who am I? I am not qualified to condemn or
hate. Am I perfect?”

Isn't that special?

13 Minoru Chen - Icemen in the Lord's Recovery (He needs a hug.)
15 Not Through Rebuke

This little gem is an anonymous (of course). It also is not copyright protected so maybe I won't get sued. Maybe I compiled it. I don't think I did, but it could have been me, or UntoHim or Ohio.

Here is the last paragraph:

The problems in a church are often related to the elders, and most of the problems related to the elders arise from the elders’ negative spirit, attitude, and tone toward others. It is very difficult not to have a negative spirit. Our spirit, attitude, tone, and gesture may all offend people.” - Witness Lee, 1991, Elders’ Training Book 11, p. 23-26.

I feel better already.

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