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Old 11-11-2020, 07:24 PM   #230
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
That kind of “recovered” church will not come about by 1500 year old decrees nor by the likes of WL/LSM.
Let's just be realistic about this recovered church concern.

Basically most just don't care at this juncture. The recovery believers think they've recovered it with one church one city. They're happy. Recovery accomplished.

The restoration believers think they've restore the church back to before the RCC damaged it. They're happy. Restoration accomplished.

And the RCC don't care about the recovery, cuz in their mythological system, Pope Peter kicked the church off, and it's followed true since, therefore, nothing was lost, nothing needs recovered, or restored. They're happy. They've been fine since the foundational early church.

And they all seem happy with a 3 headed God, and that Jesus was God.

There's lots of mass and momentum behind them.

Basically BoxJoBox, sorry to say, our only hope in seeing the recovered church reappear is, divine intervention.
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