Originally Posted by UntoHim
I wonder what the brothers and sisters in the Great Lakes and Toronto Canada would have to say about this statement.
I believe that LSM was very active behind the scenes, secretly training and funding, so that it was only locals who actually filed lawsuits. Not sure if any directly involved, who still monitor this forum, could verify.
LSM was willing to support any local dissidents, but the only actual lawsuits that I am aware of were in Mansfield, Columbus, and Toronto. They were successful in Mansfield and Columbus. When it comes to nasty lawsuits, spiritual brothers will always lose, since their focus is on spiritual and not business matters. Here is a
public news brief from back in the day:
Religious Suing Saga Continues: After learning from past experiences suing Christian publishers, it was only a matter of time before followers of the Living Stream Ministry began solving disputes against churches in the same way. Columbus-based followers of the Living Stream have sued the church in Columbus, the local fellowship of which they were a part. The group alleges unfair treatment in being told by church leadership that they had to leave.
Recently, the Columbus church issued a statement clarifying that they did not view themselves as part of the Living Stream network of churches and would not follow its policies and agendas. They felt the beliefs being promoted sounded cult-like and had produced a hostile environment within the congregation. Said Columbus elder Mike Puskas, “The Living Stream group among us had become a separate church within our church, receiving directions, values, and goals not from local leadership, but from their headquarters in southern California. No church can survive such a thing. When it became a choice between letting these people stay or seeing the church become increasingly dysfunctional, we chose not to let them stay."