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Old 11-11-2020, 07:54 AM   #12
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Default Re: Origins of Christian God- Through Cultural, Historical, Anthropology le

This is just an off topic aside, but somewhat related to the considering the OT and Israel and God.
Today, in every city are homeless vets, and in institutions are PTSD vets, and basically, young people who went to war and saw too much, and never could cope with what they went through. When I read in the OT of Israel’s wars, they were often commanded to go into towns, villages, tribes and wipe out everything that breathed- men, women, infants, children, animals. This was not done by bombs and rockets,, but by face to face, hand to hand combat. I don’t see how a human being could obliterate others in such a fashion and not be psychologically damaged for life and suffer, and as a nation not be severely dysfunctional. It would be like Columbine on a national level. Yet, it was a God commanded action. It was not like God sending hornets, or plagues or drought or locust that breath fire and have scorpion tails, it was God’s people going into intact communities and massacring everything with blood, guts, horror, stench everywhere..
How do I relate to this?
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