Originally Posted by Trapped
Unsafe sex, sex outside of a stable marriage, premature sex, etc.....doesn't give anyone the right to murder the result of those mistaken actions. "You might be an inconvenience" or "you might have a hard life" or "you might have physical or mental difficulties" doesn't justify "I get to murder you". That is the exact same slide Hitler jumped down. Anyone who doesn't "cut it" dies.
This has to be taken like euthanization. If someone was suffering from cancer, wouldnt it be moral for that person to have the choice for legalized euthanization? The difference between Hitler’s murders and abortion is that Hitler caused widespread suffering. Abortion oftentimes mitigates suffering. We make the moral choice for the unborn child or innocent when we look at life’s circumstances and see if there are more pros and cons for the kid. (I’m up for adoption but the fact is most kids put up for adoption end up in foster care and group homes which are not the best, because I’ve worked in several. Unless the country has fixed its adoption and foster care system, I dont see why abortion cant be a secondary choice.)
Therefore the slippery slope in which abortion will lead to a houlocaust is not a neat point A to point B. Just like how legalizing same sex marriage does not lead to justification for pedophilia and other sexual immoralities that do not involve consent.