Originally Posted by awareness
I was down the last couple of days, but when able I've been doing my best to keep up with this thread.
I love learning more about the Bible and the early Israelite's, but I doubt others out here will want to venture into learning about these subjects.
That Yahweh had a wife early on in Israelite history will not be accepted because they are hung on the popular conception of the Bible and Israelite history.
Their conception is that the Israelite's have always been monotheist, and God is against Asherah. It's in their Bible.
And archaeology be damned. It's the work of the devil.
non worries, take care of your emotional well being first. there’s a lot of ground to cover no hurry. im just startingnto delve deep in this- very fascinating.!it makes a lot more sense if the Israelites started out with a God who wasnt omniscient omnipresent or all knowing. they prob added these attributes to him later due to all the babylonian and assyrian exiles to cope with their situations by producing and trusting jn an all powerful God and having Hope for the future