Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Does a woman, in God's eyes, have a right to kill herself?
No but the analogy is incorrect on so many levels. Other’s cant control what a woman does with her body. Others cant decide for her. The baby comes out of the woman’s body. The baby before conception is part of the woman’s body. The baby may be born out of wedlock (raped by a man). This unwanted baby will have a hard life in the foster care system, more prone to crime etc. Those with congenital diseases will suffer more than if aborted. Best is to measure amount of suffering if the baby is born and if the baby werent born. A huge family with many babies with not enough resources to take care of them- higher rates of poverty, mental health illness, stress on family and parents, divorce rate goes up, child neglect and abuse goes up due to stress of having to take care of so many children, alcoholism, drug abuse goes up. Mentally retarded babies grow up being bullied and in criminal justice system more times than healthy babies.
My aunt made the right decision to abort a baby with down syndrome. That would have caused low quality of life for both the baby and the family. My wife’s parents did the opposite. They kept her deaf and mute sister. She is living a lower quality of life and made my wife’s mom so stressful she passed away early. on top of that, her parents had to escape extreme bullying and life threatening situations due to people in Saudi Arabia’s attitudes towards the disabled, which led my wive’s family to illegally enter the United States for a better life for that sister. They had a new struggle being undocumented- low wages with managers taking advantage of them, low level of health care, sister had to go to porn industry to make ends meet.
If the man wants to decide what to do with the baby, they should stop “accidently” making women pregnant if they dont have the financial and mental health resources or healthy emotional capacity to take care of the baby.