Originally Posted by Ohio
Yes Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, resurrected with a spiritual body as OBW has assured us, but Paul also goes beyond this and writes definitively that this same Jesus Christ became life-giving Spirit.
So ... perhaps OBW has a convenient "half-faith" which makes the scriptures so much easier to "digest" that which is beyond human comprehension. Jesus would call that the "leaven of the Pharisees," and warned us to beware.
Sorry to bring this up at such a late date, but I have mostly not been active in this form for the past year (as should be obvious).
Ohio: Your assertion that the verse says "Spirit" rather than "spirit" is without basis. Paul was in the midst of a discussion about the nature of the body we will receive in resurrection. That discussion starts way before v45 and continues for several more verses beyond. Within that discussion, the Holy Spirit is not part of the conversation. To make such an assertion is to presume that Paul stopped one conversation on something else, and for 1/2 of what we call a single verse, suddenly said something about the Holy Spirit that has no bearing on the discussion it is within, then went back to the actual discussion. In short, a "squirrel" moment for Paul.
Besides, since Jesus is life-giving, and is part of the Godhead which is (are all) "spirit," he can be both life-giving and spirit without being the Holy Spirit. Lee's assertion that there is only one live-giving spirit and that is the Holy Spirit is
simply false. And this verse does nothing to shore up his "became" heresy.