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Old 11-07-2020, 11:01 AM   #6110
Sons to Glory!
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Location: Scottsdale, AZ
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

So here we are 4 days past election day, waiting . . . humans don't like to wait . . . we have little in the way of inherent patience I think. (and everyone is spreading fear, telling us what dastardly might happen if the other side wins)

So let me say, if Biden/Harris win - PRAISE THE LORD!!! If Trump/Pense win - PRAISE THE LORD!!!

In other words, in everything rejoice. Why? HE'S GOT THIS! The "King of Kings & Lord of Lords" isn't just a title - it's who He is!

No matter what happens in the day-to-day affairs of this life, I've read the end of the book and guess what? GOD WINS & WE THEREFORE WIN!!!

It's like sheep watching a master playing a big chess game. They have no idea what is going on. Therefore we must trust our wise, Master Shephard - HE'S GOT THIS! Like sheep, we're lucky if we see one, or maybe two moves ahead in this thing (if He has gifted us with such wisdom).

I think I'd like a T-shirt with some sheep standing around watching a chess board, and underneath the caption would say, "HE'S GOT THIS!"

LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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