Originally Posted by Trapped
Talk about bias, extreme self-interest, and impure motive on the part of the very people threatening others not to do that same thing!
Was Witness Lee being careful, or rather being cavalier, when he appointed his admittedly 'unspiritual' son into authority at the LSM office? And kept him there for years, even when it became plain what was happening? Was he pure in motive when he held onto his ministry with an iron grip while the churches were subsequently imploding with "storms" and "turmoils", and the faith of many was swamped?
And then, we're to suppose that this careless man became careful, and this impure-hearted man became pure, when he sat down in front of the Bible to interpret God's government? Especially, when he was
selling this interpreted word via books, trainings cassettes, CDs, calendars, to the very people that he was telling, "You just bought 1,000 chairs"?!
We don't know how many millions this 'ministry' re-directed into the Lee family coffers, and into the hands of intimate cronies. (If one church yielded $100K, it was in the millions.) But we'll never know, because it was all Lee's personal business, as he told Sal Benoit. The Phosphorous and Overseas Christian Stewards shell companies were probably little more than money-laundering rackets for his guanxi network.
And then we're supposed to think that his scriptural interpretations, supporting and buttressing these predatory relations, were on the up-and-up? I think of the thread on this forum titled, "Was DayStar poor judgment or fraud?" It really doesn't matter if WL's biblical interpretations were poor judgment, or hasty, or careless, or impure, or ignorant, or biased, or what combination of all of the above. It really doesn't matter.