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Old 11-06-2020, 05:42 PM   #285
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I read the quote on the Forum front page from "Shepherding Words" and the last sentence said, "This crucial matter relates to God’s administration and therefore to the headship of Christ, so it is important to read both the Bible and the ministry carefully and thoroughly without bias, self-interest, or any other impure motive."
Thus says the people who:

1. claim a non-pareil MOTA status that doesn't exist
2. claim a deputy authority that doesn't exist
3. claim to be the only true ("genuine") church and then lie about their own belief

Talk about bias, extreme self-interest, and impure motive on the part of the very people threatening others not to do that same thing!

BTW, if you google "God's governmental administration".......far and away the majority of the results of the first two pages are LSM/LC related. They usually threaten "God's government" and "God's administration" when they want to steamroller their readers into a state of fear and unquestioning reception.

This is a cult fear-tactic. Hopefully readers and lurkers will take note.
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