Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)
How exactly does a being who always existed have three persons and one is Father and one is Son and one is kind of vague and called Holy Spirit? Why call one Father and one Son?
I am a son, and a father, and now a grandfather, so I think I have a pretty good understanding of the terms father and son. When I read scripture, I have great appreciation of “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.” I believe this, and receive this, and hope in this. I can understand this because, as a human, I know what is a father, what is a son, and what it would mean to give a son, an only begotten son in ransom for another. I have seen my newborn son come into the world. I have seen family members die. God gives us the gospel in terms we can appreciate, understand, feel the love that He has for us.
No where in my scripture does God present himself as some sort of triune being. Paul tells us in no incontrovertible terms that there is ONE God, The Father. I understand that, I believe that, I receive that, I speak of that. I see this preached and taught in Acts by those who were with Jesus. And, I see Jesus speaking the same thing. This is the foundational basis of the church.
What I have noticed is how far most of those who adopted a trinitarian theology have departed from the foundation. The Father becomes a strange place holder, Jesus becomes God, the glorious gospel is lost for a super gospel that I do not see preached in the NT.
The other day I was watching, aaahhheeemm, FoxNews, and there were 2 different commercials; one was Franklin Graham sitting on a park bench overlooking Seattle, as if the viewer were sitting there with him, and he was sharing a John 3.16 gospel. The other commercial was, I think his name is Michael Youssef standing in a study with lots of books behind him telling how Jesus is God, and blah blah blah. Two distinctly different gospels! Mr. Graham’s I recognize as that which I would hear in Acts. Mr Youssef’s is the new gospel that seems so prevalent today, that I don’t hear in Acts. I find this terribly troubling, terribly divisive, terribly confusing. Which one would one expect the Holy Spirit to honor? Which one builds the church. I think W Lee would have referred to F Graham’s gospel as the low gospel.