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Old 11-03-2020, 07:51 AM   #307
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
1Tim 1:5 says
“Now the goal of our instruction is love out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and a sincere faith.” I think y’all are onto something

Luke 12:21 NIV “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

Jesus was giving a parable about a guy who amassed goods for himself. He died and they were then nothing for him. Even James 5:1-6 said, "They will burn you like fire".

But Jesus says, "Be rich toward God". In other words, use your possessions to help others, then your treasure will be in heaven. This is God's economy.

Contrast this to Witness Lee, who dunned church members for $$ for his son's Motor Home business. Even today, I believe the LSM is cutting residual checks in the tens of thousands of dollars for Lee family members.

Imagine if in the beginning chapters of Acts, Peter had people laying their $$ at his feet, then we found out it wasn't going to the poor but Peter had a ski area on the side, with family members running it? Imagine if Paul was collecting $$ for the poor of Jerusalem, per Galatians 2:12 and Romans 15, and we found out that Paul had a little side business of import/export, again siphoning off for his cronies? What would happen to the gospel then?

I'm not saying that "holding the bag" is wrong. But there is danger. Witness Lee failed miserably. Hank Hanegraaff failed. KP Yohannon, Hank's new buddy, failed. That is the economy of man, not the economy of God.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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