Originally Posted by Boxjobox
Thought this video as very enlightening concerning trinitarian thought, and the modern view. Francis Chan looks like he is seeing through and troubled with the pastoral free group phenomenon, but doesn’t know what to do.
But Hank Hanegraaff- watch how he is stuck in the 3rd to 5th century and considers those creeds as direct from the Holy Spirit. Notice how, concerning Christian beliefs, he repeats the same old false trinitarian narratives: the ancient church believed, practiced, the dear people that came up with the creeds, all through the scripture Jesus is God, orthodoxy sets us straight, etc. But never does he bring up Paul’s admonition for keeping the oneness by professing One God, the Father.
And then, about half way through, he gives a great praise for the LC/Recovery!
All seem to be stuck under the spell of the 3-5th century decrees. A recovered church should be based on the foundational church given to us by Paul. Going back to the 3-5th century was where all the corruption took roots!
And now Hanegraaff likes the God became a man so man could become God thing. Fasten your seatbelts, I think modern Christianity is about to hit the hyperspace button!
From this video, it looks like the Bible Answerman has changed his answers! He has adopted another gospel. The foundational church never preached that God became a man, let alone that man would become God. This kind of false gospel renders the book of Acts as useless babbling, it means that the revelation Paul spoke of in Ephesians as useless. But it is the road trinitarianism always follows- departing from the scriptural gospel into a mystery religion where people must cling to their priests and high priests for understanding and way to the god they create.