Thread: Modalism
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Old 10-24-2020, 09:23 AM   #213
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Default Re: Modalism

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I'm quite certain that the followers of Joseph Smith, John Thomas, Mary Baker Eddy and Charles Taz Russell sincerely believe that their leader was merely opening up new scriptures that had been long imprisoned by orthodox Christianity. But when one compares and contrasts these teachers and the movements they founded with the New Testament teachings as interpreted by orthodox Christians since the dawn of the church - "the faith once delivered to the saints" - they are found to be false teachers, and the movements they founded as aberrational at best, and at worst, heretical cults that entrap their followers in a system of error.
Ahh ... you missed the point. These folks had "special revelations." When I entered the LC's, 100% of the members were Christians seeking the Lord, preaching the gospel, reading their Bibles, loving one another in Christ, etc. Have you really forgotten every thing positive that caught your attention? The ministers I heard opened up scriptures to me that made the Lord alive to me.

I have also basically heard that every Christian congregation in America called a "cult." Every Christian is in a cult. You too prolly! That's why I give no credibility to apologists who cry "wolf." Listen to them long enough and we will all be agnostic/atheists/silent Christians.

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

Your statement: "that is 3 separate Persona, with 2 of them in the distant heavens, and this unrecognizable one in me" is perplexing. In 50+ years I have never once heard or read any Christian teacher teach such things, or anything even close. The Holy Spirit as "this unrecognizable one in me"? Where do you come up with this stuff?
You ask for my opinions, telling me I have "improved," and then ask me where I get this stuff. Have you not met Christians who feel God is far away, God never hears them, God seems unknowable, not sure if Jesus lives in them?
Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
If I didn't know you better, I would think that you were still under the spell of Witness Lee, and that his teachings regarding the Trinity are to be considered "recovered truth". I am here to tell you that Lee's teachings regarding the nature of the Trinity are not recovered truth. The only thing that they are recovering is the ancient heresy of modalism. Please believe me that I am not saying that Witness Lee's teachings are false just because they come from Lee (admittedly, that they come from him sure doesn't help!), for just about every teacher, scholar or apologist who has taken a serious look at these teachings have called them out as theologically aberrational at best, and many have labeled them as heresy.
Modalism heresy exists because there are verses in the Bible taken to extremes, neglecting other verses. But this does not mean that I must neglect dozens of scripture because they don't match up with trinitarian theology developed by church fathers, some of whom also gave us deification (i.e. man becomes God). Isn't it better just to believe the word of God, taken in context, rather than thru the colored lens of the historical church? How can you fault me for that?
Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
While I think this statement is fair and reasonable on it's face, it kind of implies that when one makes a criticism of any particular Christian teacher, teaching or practice one must cover the entire panoply of said teacher's entire life and works for their criticism to be an accurate portrayal. Sorry, but I don't have the time or burden for such an adventure. Some on this forum seem to have the time and burden to post everything - the good, the bad and the ugly. God bless them, and may he have mercy and grace on the rest of us.
No one is perfect except Jesus. Even the Apostles had their failures. According to some of these extreme views, all Liberty University grads should reject their education because Falwell sinned. All those saved thru Jimmy Swaggart must repent get re-saved. I could go on and on here about ministers who sinned and erred.

But did not Paul tell the Philippians, whether in pretense or truth, he would rejoice when Christ was announced? (1.15-18) Bad teachers need to be exposed, but that doesn't make every bit of their message bad.

Bro UntoHim, our standard can only be the scripture, not someone's interpretation. I cannot superimpose ancient creeds over God's word. If I only apply historical Christian longevity as the standard, then I must return to the traditions, customs, icons, vestments, teachings, etc. of the Orthodox church. I'm just not willing.
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