Thread: Modalism
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Old 10-22-2020, 09:58 AM   #209
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Default Re: Modalism

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Well this might be your lucky day brother Ohio, because what I have been trying to relate to you is neither new, nor is it math. It's not Trinity math, it is Trinity theology, and this theology has been with the church since the beginning. Nee and Lee tried to tell us that they had received some sort mission from God to reinvent the theological wheel of trinitarian theology. What they ended up doing, especially Witness Lee, is "confusing the Persons and dividing the substance", and in the process, ended up confusing a whole lot of persons and dividing the church over their unbiblical teachings.
I have another view here, based on scripture and my own Christian walk, that Lee merely opened up new scriptures to us, perhaps those long imprisoned by so-called "trinitarian theology," that is 3 separate Persona, with 2 of them in the distant heavens, and this unrecognizable one in me. Perhaps this sounds extreme, but think about how many Christians lack even the "unrecognizable one" within.

I know this sounds almost sacrilegious here because of other errant teachings and practices by Lee, but so be it.

I see it somewhat as a parallel historical journey as the Azusa Glossa one. That was a move of the Spirit, opening up teachings and practices long buried by Protestant fundamentalism, but genuinely real nonetheless. And as it is with every move of the Spirit of God, many used and abused it for personal benefit.

Unless our historical views of both the recovery and tongues movements include both the good and the bad, with a healthy dose of discernment, we are not providing accurate portrayals.
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