Originally Posted by UntoHim
All this being said, "differentiating" the Person's of the Godhead is not a central, core item of the faith as far as I'm concerned. However, proclaiming that " The Spirit, the Lord, and the things above, are all the same" is not only nonsensical, it's unbiblical. Maybe my dear brother and friend Ohio would care to reconsider and restate?
For the life of me, I cannot see how my dear brothers Sons to Glory!, Ohio (and I'll throw in Raptor for good measure) fight so hard against what has been taught, believed, imbibed, wrote about and sung about throughout church history - over 2,000 years now. Their only arguments and contentions come from straight from the teachings of two men who chose to abandon what has been taught, believed, imbibed, wrote about and sung about for these 2000+ years.
But I love and respect you all. And I appreciate you all the more for coming and "reasoning together". After all, what could be more important than haggling over the nature and character of the Creator of the universe and every living thing! And what could be more important to us as believers then to "come to the full knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim 2:4)
But you took my word out of context. The jist of my late night post was that our mind or our heart focused on God does not really distinguish the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
Raptor brought up the crucial matter of Jesus Christ living in us. How could He live in us unless He became life-giving Spirit?
And are setting the mind on the Spirit really much different from setting my mind on the things above? And I still find it hard to differentiate setting my mind on the Spirit from turning my heart to the Lord.
I have just concluded that our creating God can at any time He wants be "one God" or the distinct "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Perhaps this is just my over-correction to my youthful Catholic days as an altar boy being inundated with visions of an ancient intimidating Father on a golden throne, a bloody Son hanging from a cross, a Holy Spirit flying around like a pigeon, and in the center of them all was the beautiful Marble Mary, the Queen of Heaven.
Don't you think I have improved a little, eh