Originally Posted by Raptor
For example, concerning our topic at hand....we know (or should know?) that while Jesus was alive on the earth, before His D and R, there is no way He could get inside people, right? He was a Man with a physical body and could not enter inside another man.
Yet after His D and R, several verses show us that Jesus can enter man, that He enters and is inside a believer.
Originally Posted by Raptor
So, question still stands....How did a physical Man in the flesh acquire the abilitiy to get inside of others?
Great points.
Extremely influential in my Christian life. If Christ is not the life-giving Spirit, how can he live in me? If the "
mind set on the Spirit" is life and peace (Rom 8) equals "
whenever the heart turns to the Lord" (II Cor 3) and "
set your mind on the things which are above," (Col 3) then how can we differentiate the "persons" in the Godhead.
The Spirit, the Lord, and the things above, are all the same. ALL THE SAME!