Originally Posted by Trapped
I think the word "sober" is a great word there. If I even try to put myself in Ron Kangas's shoes to say something like that, the impression I get is a hollow shell drunk on deception and status.
By the plain teaching of the apostle in the NT, Witness Lee wasn't qualified to be a leader in a local assembly, much less para-church leader [!] much less "the apostle of the age" [!!] or the most qualified spiritual person after Jesus and Paul [!!!].
Here is a quote from the internet:
In 1 Timothy 3:4, Paul says that an elder “must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive.” In the next verse he explains why: “for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?” The obvious answer to the rhetorical question is that he can’t. In other words, if you can’t manage your household at home, you won’t be able to care for the household of God. If you regular lose control of your kids, why should you be trusted to lead and protect a flock? John Stott gets the biblical logic right: “The married pastor is called to leadership in two families, his and God’s, and the former is to be the training ground of the latter” (John Stott, Guard the Truth: The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus, 98). None of this is particularly controversial.
None of this is particularly controversial, it's fairly obvious. Unless, of course, you specialise in apologetics on behalf of the Local Church. Then you get the deliberate-ignorant ploy, and the specious-claim ploy. The hollow-shell drunk on deception and status, on 'life'.
For those who don't know what I am referencing, Witness Lee called Titus Chu and told him, "You just bought 1,000 chairs" that WL's son Timothy was selling. And this was after the Daystar debacle. After! Nobody confessed, repented, or learned. No, the Lee Family Businesses must go on. So Titus called the GLA elders and told each of them, "You just bought 100 chairs".
And so on... the stories we could tell on this forum! How can you say the man controlled his family, with tales like this? And I'm not even touching Philip, here!
If a mature Christian can't manage their family, how can they manage God's church? And if not, how can they be the greatest spiritual leader of the last 2,000 years? The claim leans on sleight-of-hand deception, willful ignorance, and outright lies. Drunk on self-entitlement, self-obsession, the so-called "sense of life". But look at John's gospel: it consistently places 'light' as a paired precondition of 'life'. Do Living Stream Ministry leaders love the light? No - they hate the light! The last thing they want is discussion of Daystar and Timothy Lee's gold chairs. So then, what's the 'life' they tout? A life of cobwebs and vapours, of mirrors.
How much money did Witness Lee raise from LC "investors" for his son Timothy's Motor Home business? Don Rutledge wrote that one young man got an inheritance, laid it at WL's feet - how much was that? That got the ball rolling; then, Boston loaned $100,000 (this was when 100K could buy something). That's just one locality - there were dozens of USA localities. And how about Taiwan? How much did the Lee family collect, in total? How much did Timothy keep, when the dust had settled? If you really love life, you should love the light.