Originally Posted by Ohio
I view Trump like a soldier in a war. He stinks, he needs a shower, he swears, he needs some manners, he's impatient, he yells at people, he has a big mouth, he has guns, at times he's frightening to kids, and ... at times he even asks God for help.
But he loves our country, he's protecting us, he'a patriot, he didn't have to volunteer for this army, but he did. He's fighting so we can be safe, have jobs, and be free to live our lives.
Ya know, that's an interesting analogy! I liken him sometimes to Churchill, who was gruff, liked to drink and smoke cigars, said many things that weren't nice, polite or politically correct, etc. Like Churchill, he may be voted out after fighting the war.
I voted for Trump the first time because he was an outsider, and I was fed-up with politicians (from both sides) and business as usual from the career politicians.
My dad was amazed that friends of his proclaimed loudly to him that "Trump has done nothing." And that is right - he has done nothing to further the liberal agenda. These friends also think he is the antichrist (though they aren't religious themselves).