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Old 10-12-2020, 02:19 PM   #218
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

This is strictly a Boxjobox observation and any resemblance to anyone in particular, or any inference of this being a mocking ridiculing of any individual should be altogether dismissed from ones thinking.

Paul the apostle by the will of God wrote a wonderful letter to the saints in Ephesus encouraging and exhorting them to lay hold of the revelation of what God had done and is doing in Christ Jesus and in and with them as well. In that letter, one finds great reference to the God and Father of Jesus. It is worthy to note and deeply consider that Paul does not mention any thing about. 3-1, 1-3 God, does not talk in terms of God the Son , nor of God the Spirit, does not call Jesus God, does not speak of a trinity god, does not talk about God being processed, but clearly talks about God, the Father, Christ the Lord, and the Spirit. In quite clear language he admonished them to keep the oneness on the spirit in the uniting bond of peace by acknowledging one Spirit, one Lord Jesus Christ, and One God and Father.
In that epistle he gives a benediction to God in saying “Now unto Him who is able to do so much more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

The to Him, the Unto Him as some versions say, is unto the God and Father of our Lord Jesus. Paul does not show a view that God is some sort of 3 people God. So, if someone has a hybrid theology that includes some items of Paul’s sayings, and mingles them with 4th and 5th century decrees and considers that a bonafide Christian theology, and purports to be a public keeper of truth, it seems to me that the true Christian way would be to point out the deviation so the one practicing that hybrid religion would deeply consider their waywardness from scripture and amend their ways. So if Paul admonishes the believers to keep the oneness by acknowledging one God, the Father, and someone comes along and talked about a 3 people god, it should be apparent that that person does not receive and practice Paul’s word, and if they want to spout out that hybrid theology and have others adhere to it, that person should at least have the decency to proclaim that they do not accept the words of Paul, and in fact reject the words of Paul, and not use a benediction of Paul as their handle. If they are of the mind that God is 3 persons, and want to proclaim their own benediction along the lines of their hybrid religion, then it would behoove them to not say or use Paul’s Unto Him, but rather, in keeping in accordance with their hybrid thinking say Unto Them, as they view God not according to Paul’s teaching of there being one God the Father, but view God as three people.
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