Originally Posted by Hodos
1. About Use Of Names:
Witness Lee wrote the following words in the preface of LSM's hymn book, printed for the first time as follows: “for the omission of the author’s and composer’s name from the top of each hymn” in order to hinder “the reader to give glory to the man instead of to the Lord, the true inditer of each hymn…”.
These are the lies of Witness Lee, for in the morning revival book with name of Witness Lee clearly printed on the cover, for the purpose of honoring a human being, robbed the glory of our glorious God's Name. In Viet nam churches, Witness Lee is increasingly praised, mentioning his name always in the meetings, "W.L. says that…, WL. said this. ....".
To many of us, what LSM has done here is exceedingly obnoxious and deceitful. Brother John Ingalls was almost single-handedly responsible for the
Hymns and Recovery Version.
Then after he demanded that Philip Lee be held accountable for victimizing numerous sisters in the LSM offices, John Ingalls name and reputation were destroyed by LSM.
Then, because LSM copyrights everything they publish, after they expelled John Ingalls, they prevented him from using the hymns he had personally written. They removed every reference to John Ingalls in the
Hymns, the Recovery Version, and other publications. Only Lee's name is permitted.
LSM's behavior is nothing less than reprehensible.