Originally Posted by Boxjobox
So, when did God, or His spokesman, Jesus the Christ command his people to speak of God as triune?
As far as I read, God’s spokesman said that the Father is the only true God.
Our earliest spokesperson for God in the NT, Paul, didn't concoct a trinity such as we have today.
And later spokespersons for God -- whoever wrote the rest of the books, namely the gospels -- we don't know who wrote them for sure -- even didn't concoct the trinity that is popular today either.
The trinity we have today started in the 3rd c., with Tertullian. He planted the seed with the word "trinity," that blossomed in the 1st quarter of the 4th c. into its first solid formation.
Yet the trinity cannot be formed. It's a mystery. They say. Just accept it. ; 3=1 and 1=3. It's easy. Just don't do the math.
The trinity today is popular. Is it in our human nature to need 3? Historically it did seem to become an obsession, if that's proof of anything.
Still, people seem to love the trinity : coming up ... a cute triangle ... Isn't it adorable? Don't ya just love it?
"Trinity Song"