Originally Posted by Boxjobox
Now, when I read this Nee quote, I look at it as disjointed statements that do not connect, do not assist me in considering my Christian life, draw inaccurate conclusions, present a different gospel, produce a disillusioned following, are something to run away from, and make me appreciate that one day the light dawned on me to get out of that dysfunctional system of error.
Yeah, I also wanted to say a few things about the quote but didn't have a lot of time, but you bringing it up spurred me on. For me the issue is......the Bible doesn't say "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.....and that Son 'made it'."
Christ's coming, while an example for us to be sure, is to save us. He's the Savior, the Messiah. I may be mistaken but the point of His "making it" is not that He made it, but that He is sinless and thus qualified to substitute for us all.
Also he switches between a "standard of living" and just "living animal X's life". It doesn't make sense. Goodness gracious.
It also bugs me that Nee makes an absolute type statement at the outset "can ONLY be lived out by God....because He is higher than us" and then immediately....what a shocker.....contradicts and undoes his still-warm claim by saying it's true even if He was lower.
Okay, so what's the big revelation then, besides that Nee likes to hear his own lips flap?
Yeah, I'm so glad to get out of the Nee/Lee formaldehyde.