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Old 10-06-2020, 02:27 PM   #202
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
I don’t know if that’s true- to juggle, you have to have 3 distinct, unattached objects. It seems there is this constant argument about their attachment to one another. It seems to me more like the three shells and a nut game where with quick hands and a shuffle you are a winner if you can tell which shell the nut is under.

From the LC days, I think the saying was Of Person Three, Of Substance One- am I correct on that? I think that meant a singular person had three distinctions, and what exactly is the substance of God? God gets to be explained by man as a “substance”.? I think in one of the major creeds it’s Jesus is begotten, not made, true God of True God. Here again,seems to be some sort of God substance.

So now, which shell is the nut under?
And that's just what I meant. I didn't mean that a three person God could be juggled like balls. It was a double entendre. What I meant is that tritheist's juggle around the trinity doctrine to suit them. And when they can't they resort to, it's a mystery. What's a mystery is them just accepting it without question ; like it's a Bible doctrine.
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