Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
Yes, and hence the thought that although we can find verses for 3-in-1 AND 1-in-3, both are true. Why? Because He's God, and we can't effectively wrap our widdle minds around His nature.
I feel for SsofG because of the confusion the trinitarian influence has caused them. The modalism site on the main section clearly indicates that no one really understands what the trinity over the centuries profess. Those who agree with certain trinity definitions form sects and exclude and condemn others who do not agree. What a pathetic theology- what a shame and sham. Those who hold to tritheism should admit that they reject the scriptures, reject the true God and reject the Christ of God.
Paul told the believers clearly that there is one God, the Father. Paul was an apostle by the will of God- if one is going to reject Paul’s word, then one should be willing to proclaim that they reject the will of God and the scriptures. A three-one, one-three god is not the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is a false theology, that is an unscriptural teaching and I against the teaching that should be the foundation of the church.
SsofG has on a few posts reverted to what I commonly see said among many who hold a trinitarian theology- when it gets too confusing, out comes the old “he is God, and we are just human and can’t understand” routine. Whereas if SsofG would return to scripture and forsake the 3 people god, it would be apparent from reading that Paul spoke of God as the Father, the one true God, as did Jesus. That should be the foundational belief for reading and understanding scripture and should be the basis for true Christian fellowship.