Originally Posted by Trapped
In the book "The Vision of the Age", Witness Lee traces through what he calls the ministers of the age, from Adam in the Old Testament to Enosh, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc....then through the New Testament with Peter, Paul, Jesus, John, then through recent centuries with Luther, Guyon, Zinzendorf, etc.
In order to support his reckless exaltation of his own ministry, Witness Lee went back and rewrote church history. This is a hallmark of all totalitarian regimes --
revisionist history.
After leaving the LC, I have been forced to completely purge my heart and memory of everything Lee taught about church history, unless it is corroborated by other historians.
Luther was
not the first MOTA, in fact he declared himself a "Hussite," since his ministry aligned so well with
Jan Hus (John Huss), the Czech theologian and martyr who preceded him by a century. I'm not promoting any minister to MOTA status, but Reformers like Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Farel, et.al. would all credit Huss before accepting any such MOTA status for themselves. John Huss was also a strong advocate of women, and possessed none of Luther's anti-semitic tendencies.
Is there another Christian minister or historian on earth who would promote
Madame Jeanne Guyon to be MOTA of the entire 17th Century? Seriously? Would someone please tell Blended Ron Kangas that his so-called MOTA predecessor was a Catholic sister! Far be it from me to disrespect any sister or brother in Christ, but elevating Guyon to MOTAhood is just insane! And contrary to hundreds of verses in the New Testament.
How in the world did I ever believe this nonsense? Hopefully dear brother
Hodos and others in
Viet Nam will all be delivered from MOTA idolatry propagated by LSM.