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Old 09-26-2020, 05:11 PM   #6076
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
I'll give it to you. You sure can make an outlandish claim, and then dodge weave and dance when avoiding backing up your claim ... and then making a more outlandish claim that, a woman aborting her baby is like burning 6 million Jews in ovens.

So I guess you can't find even one book in the Bible that speaks against abortion, and it was asinine and cult like thinking to make the claim.
Talk about dodging, weaving, twisting, dancing, and distorting!! That's your specialty! Like you say, "yer a peach!"

We are talking about close to One Million beautiful unborn children of God slaughtered in the womb every year! The same number as the holocaust roughly every six years! Yet you say only one woman has aborted her baby. It's more like one aborted baby every 30 seconds, every hour, and every day of the year. That's real science, my friend. Math too.

Asinine and cult like thinking?
Aren't those classic ad hominems?

Why don't you address my points? Why do you dodge the issues? What are you afraid of? Why are you complicit with murder? Aren't you part of the coverup?

Murder is taking the life of another. Is that too hard for you to understand? Perhaps too much cognitive dissonance going on?
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