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Old 09-23-2020, 07:46 PM   #146
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

Pretty sick of you baiting me with Wednesday quotes I can't help but respond to, UntoHim!!!

Watchman Nee's quote for today:

When you come close to Christians who are near to God, they make you feel God. They do not make you sense their tenderness and humility; rather, they make you feel God. When I began to work, I decided, at whatever cost, to obey the will of God. I thought I was obeying the will of God. However, whenever I went to see Miss Barber, after talking and reading a few verses from the Bible with her, I was aware that I was still lacking. Every time I saw her, I always felt something special—God was there. When you came close to her, you felt God. She had light. She was controlled by the light of God; therefore, when you came close to her, her light condemned your sin.

I think the primary bone I'm choking on is the thought that Ms. Barber's light condemned Nee's sin.

I know Christians are to be salt and light, so I don't think it's the "light" part that gets me. I think what gets me is the "condemned". If you as a Christian feel condemned being around another that a healthy situation? Even Jesus, when facing verified sinners, didn't condemn. The ones Jesus condemned were the religious hypocrites. If Nee or Barber were in Christ Jesus, there should be no condemnation.

I dunno.....I kind of just get the sense Nee flaps his lips sometimes and doesn't exactly know what he's talking about.
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