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Old 09-22-2020, 09:29 AM   #6057
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Thomas Sowell's story and writings are excellent!

This is how Democrats use this "Utopian View" today: Since at least one person has died from Covid, it proves Trump is evil, and should be tried for murder.

The Democrats always compare the Republicans with utopian perfection, yet never their own candidates. They all get a free pass.

I agree that only Jesus Christ will be the perfect King to rule the earth!
Sowell never frames it as Christian world view vs. non-Christian. But you can definitely see the fingerprints of a belief in God with the Constrained Vision! (and a casting-off of that constraint in the Unconstrained Vision) Personally, this causes conflict in me when I try to straddle or reconcile the two visions.

For instance, much of our business is in the general self-help category. We facilitate programs to help people reach their goals and change behaviors accordingly to achieve what they want. The programs were written by a believer, but since they are for wide dissemination to business leaders, most references to God are left out of these (not in the author's more personal writings however). So there is a theme of, "You can do or be anything you set your mind to - you have unlimited potential," in all of these materials.

Personally, I know this is false, however I'm paid to facilitate these ideas. Many times Christians take these programs and get very good results, but so do nonbelievers, and they also get good results. Oftentimes the Christian participant realizes that as it says in Proverbs, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, yet it is the Lord's purpose that prevails," and set their goals accordingly prioritized. In other words, they realize there is an ultimate constraint by the Almighty in this universe, and real wisdom and freedom is in seeking Him and His purpose.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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