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Old 09-17-2020, 10:50 AM   #144
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Quote from today's Witness/Watchman Wednesday

In "The Recovery" a popular book of Nee's (at least it was at one point) was, "The Release of the Spirit." The pre-subtitle was "The breaking of the outer man for . . ." I think this phrase has been removed in later editions, but I could never get beyond that subtitle. To me it made it sound like either I needed to do some breaking or God needed to break me completely. This wasn't real appealing to me as a young Christian. As a more mature Christian, I do realize that that the cross needs to be applied to the Adamic nature in the flesh. But to focus on that can be a onerous, fleshly religion.

As the "Hast Thou Seen Him, Heard Him, Known Him?" hymn says:
"Not the crushing of those idols,
With its bitter void and smart,
But the beaming of His beauty,
The unveiling of His heart."

So as believers, do we focus on crushing those idols, or do we look to Him? Can I smash my hands so they won't hold onto earthly things; or do I look to Him and be so enthralled I automatically release the earthly thing? One way is a fleshly religion that's burdensome and painful; the other way is a sweet experience of death and resurrection life in Christ!

That's not to say I should allow myself to give occasion to the flesh - certainly not! But even an unsaved person can crush idols, yet they will gain nothing of Christ in the process. I think any emphasis we place on any action, other than focusing our attention on Him, is vanity. Flesh can do how much to please God? Nothing. So should we concern ourselves with breaking? I think that's above our pay-grade so to speak - our job is to look to Him.

And where is the power of the cross anyway? Is it not in the One who went through the cross? If we want all the power of the cross, there's only One who was victorious, and He experienced the cross to put the Son-life into us. (Think maybe I should write a book called, "The All-Inclusive Christ." Oh wait, I think that's been done before . . . )

That's just my buck-two-ninety-eight - maybe I'm all wet about that Nee book, because as said, I couldn't get past the subtitle to read it. Therefore, please correct any misconception I have.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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