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Old 09-11-2020, 08:36 AM   #190
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Join Date: Feb 2015
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

The church as defined by Paul is the house of the Living God, the pillar and base of the truth. Triuneism changed both the definition of God and the church. From the 4th century on, the edict was “ these are your gods, oh Christian” and the prayers, the speaking, the singing became a worship of a man made entity. The house of God had a 3 headed statue erected. Paul’s teaching of there is but one God, the Father was gone. Jesus’ teaching that the only true God is the Father was ignored.

Along came WLee, who claimed to have perfect truth concerning the scripture, who claimed to be setting up the “recovery” of the scriptural church. He built a business out of these two claims, and attracted a following of people who would mouth his sayings. But the church was never recovered to the House of the Living God, but rather the church of WL/ LSM sunk to even a worse depravity- worshipping a processed triune god. That image was set up as the true scriptural God, and as from the 4th century practice, was reinforced in the minds and hearts of the people by prayers, by song, by teaching, by footnotes, by speaking, by coercion, by fear.
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