QUOTE FROM "WATCHMAN WEDNESDAY" today: Please remember, God's Word tells us that our Christian living is based on an inner life, not an outward standard of right and wrong. Christians are different from non-Christians because we do not live by an outward standard or law. Our subject is not human morality or concepts. We do not determine whether something is right or wrong by subjecting it to human criticism or opinion.
Okay, I'll "take the bait" on this one. I can see where someone might abuse this saying, especially the last part (I'll let others elaborate on that, if they care to). But I see nothing wrong with the opening sentence. It says,
"God's word tells us that Christian living is based on an inner life, not an outward standard of right and wrong." This is 100% right. Now one might measure the manifestation or fruit of this inner life by what a person does, and that is certainly applicable I think. But trying to live the Christian life by outward right & wrong instead of the indwelling Christ, is pure folly, and a trap the enemy would surely like to see us all fall into more.
Without the inner life of "Christ in us, the hope of glory," the Christian life is unequivocally
impossible. And that is the point I think Nee is making.