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Old 09-07-2020, 08:06 AM   #8
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: The Change in Nature of the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
It really boils down to whether these are separate matters. Ingalls was comparing the teachings and practices of the early Recovery church life in SoCal with what had developed after the so-called "New Way" had taken over.

UntoHim is discussing who and what defines the "real Witness Lee." That is a more complicated question. Lee seems to follow the trajectory of some other gifted men of God. They began well, desiring a church setting which returns to the "ideals" of the early church, yet over time become quite abusive and controlling.

In many matters, Lee held totally "flip-flopped" during Ingalls' quarter century working often side-by-side with him. One can then legitimately ask whether Ingalls ever knew the "real Witness Lee." And for that matter, does anybody?
And that is a question I doubt we can come to a clear consensus on (as has been demonstrated on here over & over). And in this respect, UntoHim is right - who cares if WL and the LCs were pure and a real move of God "back in the day"!? On the other hand, if they were, then it is just historical fact to know and may or may not be useful to an individual.

I think as Ohio points out, it seems to have followed a similar trajectory of many other Christian movements - they get full of themselves and stray from Christ alone.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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