Originally Posted by Unregistered
Thank you very much for everyone’s help.
I’m slowly washing off some impacts from LC, making me doubt many things, especially those different translations/interpretations used in LC. Feel it will be a long way.
Again, the RV is not a bad translation, but it does project certain preconceptions - all translations do to some extent. Just steer clear of the footnotes and marinate in the pure word, and let the Anointing speak to you.
And regarding it being a "long way," it may or may not be - He is able! What seems like a long time to us is nothing to the eternal God. He may need to prepare your heart for seeing something before He shows you, and this often takes some time. The biggest two things He showed me after I left the "Recovery" was that the LC doesn't have the exclusive grasp on God and His purpose, and a number of authors living (currently or recently) have been shown a lot by God; the other major thing He showed me was that it is
His great love for man that is His primary motivator in interacting with us. He is not about whacking us when we step out of line (or leave the LC - a truly silly notion). HE LOVES US more than we can know!
With Him showing me those two things, I was then ready to start receiving properly from Him and others. Praise God!