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Old 09-04-2020, 02:00 PM   #33
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Mask Facts

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Thanks for sharing that! It's an interesting read and the final thoughts at the bottom sum thing up well. It concurs with what I've seen - many don't wear masks properly (below the nose or don't tighten nose piece).

So we are back in the Phoenix area after our 3 weeks in Colorado (yes, it's still hot, but temps just starting to go down a little). Our gym has just opened with a bunch of very "robust" guidelines, one of which is masks must be worn at all times. I don't think I'll do aerobics there, but if I do I may cheat like punching a bunch of small holes in the mask. The elliptical machines are spaced far apart anyway, so I don't think any harm would be done . . .

The only report that I'd seen regarding risks with using the gym were from Norway SEE HERE , and they said the risk was very minimal. However, now there's another guideline I just saw that says gyms are in the high risk category (i.e., an 8 out of 10 risk), but it doesn't say what measures were in place - is this just exercising intensively right beside someone else, or . . . . ? It's frustrating to see things like this, which don't present the data backing-up the ideas up!

Update: This report out just two days ago saying gyms present very low risks. SEE HERE This report was done by an organization that tracks gym member usage and was based upon nearly 50,000,000 gym visits across nearly 2,800 gyms over three months (and who had safety protocols in place).
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