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Old 09-03-2020, 05:37 AM   #22
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: "We Don't Care for Right and Wrong"

"Living Christ" by Witness Lee Is a series of 3 messages and is a pretty quick read, but I'm referencing the first message.

Lee shares his personal testimony after being a believer for 50 years.

Into the first message Lee tells us that there are two sins: unbelief and "not living Christ and not living by Christ."

Then he tells us that the Lord asked him if he had ever confessed the sin of not living Christ. He replied that he had not. Hence Lee begins a lengthy discourse on his personal experience as he began to confess this sin and began "living Christ". He soon concludes that in his own experience "there is no end to the daily confession of this sin." And "it is extremely difficult for us to live Christ every moment of the day." (Yet he continued to teach "living Christ".)

He eventually concludes that "even the best brothers and sisters among us only "live Christ" 5% of the time." (Yet he continued to teach "living Christ.")

As Jane Anderson notes in The Thread of Gold, Chapter 24, 11h, "...he was struggling under the need of constant confession, trying to do something he called "living Christ", failing in his attempt, repetitively analyzing the matter, and then telling others they were failing in a worse way. He was certainly not preaching Christ or words of faith. His testimony was one of hopelessness and futility. This testimony was actually his own admission that what he had been teaching for many years was not working well at all."

This gives new meaning to "we don't care for right and wrong." Then, with this failure as a backdrop, he begins to teach us about "The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil."

If you struggle or struggled under the weight of Witness Lee's ministry, you're not alone.

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