Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)
So, I claim no expertise at bible knowledge, and have no great insight with bible prophesy, but I do like to observe and report to - how did Ohio put it- my church of one, what I read and consider. And who am I that I should differ from or question orthodoxy, I mean 1600 years and a whole lot of big bible wise guys, seem to have the policy and procedure down pat, and I probably shouldn’t upset the belief system of any by bringing all of this up. But in my church of one, I read in revelation of this woman sitting on a scarlet beast and has on her forehead a name written
And I’m thinking- John wrote in the beginning of Revelation that God gave this revelation to Jesus to show his people what was shortly coming down the pipe. And lo and behold, if it didn’t shortly come to pass that the movers and shakers formed a hierarchical guild and began running the show, and shortly after that the big bible fish hat folks joined with Constantine the Great to form a great world religion, after a great council in Nicea to end squabbling, and declared God to be triune and Jesus as the man/god. The fish hats seemed to be riding high on the back of that beast Constantine. They worked together to create a great mystery cabal, which spread throughout the whole earth.
Now those who did not go along with the program suffered greatly at the hands of this great union, and what did John write that would shortly come to pass? Blimey, if old John didn’t note that “I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.“. By Jove, this is an interesting thing to ponder! And today there seems to be so many offshoots from this great mystery harlot everywhere, still talking the old Nicene Creed, just like it was the 4th century!
But who am I to question orthodoxy- it probably wouldn’t interest anybody outside of my small circle of friends. Of course, it does have great interest in my church of one.
The orthodoxy that wasn’t taught to the foundational church, doesn’t appear in the heavens, but certainly is important to the Big Bible people.
Hmmm- much to ponder, young jedi . And pondering am I. It doesn’t seem to end well for the mystery woman nor the beast in the good book account.