Originally Posted by UntoHim
Your brother who is trying real hard to be: Unto Him.
Please note: Unto “Him” is a partial quote from Paul which is a praise Paul is giving to the one God, the Father.
Untohim should change his handle to coincide with his religious beliefs which should probably be better rendered “ UntoTHEM” the three people he purports to be God. Paul says Unto HIM, because Paul’s teaching is that there is but one God, the Father. Untohim does not follow Paul’s teaching on God, and therefore really should not mishandle scripture and the teaching of Paul to try to cover for his erroneous belief. It would be better if Untohim would repent of forsaking the teaching of Paul, and turn back to the scriptural understanding of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus.
Unto Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus.