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Old 08-26-2020, 05:42 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 31
Default Re: The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam

David was unable to bear when the glory of God was humiliated by his enemies, risking himself to kill Goliath when he was about only 15 years old. Women from many Israeli cities sing in response to folk songs: " Saul hath smitten his thousands, And David his ten thousands". His reputation spreading to neighboring countries. Year after year he walked the path of glory and victory forever until the day he was to be so arrogant that he wanted to have an complement army checking, so that Joab who was an ambitious man must to prevent. David fell in arrogance in his old age.

I have read the repetitive bragging words of several great persons in LSM as they preached. They kept saying the saint's praises to them. More and more years of drunk in human praises, dire consequences must come: “Am I not an apostle of the earth? Am I not the only one to have the oracles of God? Don't I have the age ministry? Am I not the only one who possesses great high truths? ”….
I read the boast of a number 1 figure in the LSM; " None shall be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life" (Joshua 1: 5a- Darby). Is this the deepest root of his life (if it is true) why is he bragging?
“As the fining pot tries the silver and the furnace the gold; so the man is tried by the mouth of whoever praises him“(Proverbs 27:21 -Jubilee Bible)-
“Weaned from all my lordly self,
Weaned from all the miser’s pelf,
Weaned from all scorner’ways,
Weaned from all the lust of praise”. (Hymn 413).

I am no better than my fathers, but because His mercy gives light to me to see the reason for my wicked arrogance, so I can see the path of glory and pride of king David who was walked to the point of his pride. Thank God, I was collapsed in front of My holy God. Amen .
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