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Old 08-25-2020, 05:55 PM   #173
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Default Re: The Trinity Thread (To be a merged thread)

Originally Posted by Boxjobox View Post
Yet along comes the trinitarian code of understanding and we are supposed to understand that Paul spoke in this code and Timothy understood in this code and the Ephesians, to whom Timothy would convey the message spoke in this code, and we who now read this statement by Paul the apostle, found in our Bible which contains 66 separate books all written in this code, need to read it through this code. So the code, and I have to speak generally, because there are variations of this code, would be that if you see the word God, the actual thought/concept should be of a three people entity consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And Jesus, aka Jesus Christ, being part of that entity called God, who is three people but one God, is, due to incarceration, fully man, but also fully God (who is a three people entity). So in reading this instruction from Paul, an apostle who is in complete understanding of the code, due to his complete understanding of the three people God, and the 1/3 of that entity who is Jesus, who is 100% God and 100% man and 1/3 of the God entity, which now contains this 100% man, which man is God, which before the incarnation was 100% God but not man, but after the incarnation is now 100% God and 100% man; a spiritual Christian reader of Paul's writing would wholly understand that Paul was not really speaking in a common language that the unlearned would understand as there being one God and the man Christ Jesus being the mediator between us and the one God, but that Paul was speaking in a heavenly spiritual language which really means that there is one God who is triune ( 3 people) and that 1/3rd of that triune God, who is fully God and 100% man, of which we are now discussing and just looking at the 100% man part, yet not loosing sight that that Jesus is also 100% God and a 1/3rd part of the God whom he mediates with on our behalf, so that 2/3rds of God is happy with us because 1/3rd of God (who is fully man, because God became a man) quite seperate and distinct, yet one God and one man are very happy with us (which as I had to point out that I speak generally, because WL actually saw in his new light that we, the us for whom the 1/3rd mediated as a 100% man with the other 2/3rds which we really can't separate from the 1/3rd of the first subject, the us are, due to this whole process, are actually becoming God in nature.
That's crazy talk ... obviously.

Originally Posted by Boxy
UntoHim, does my grasp of the subject merit me a returned position on the main site? Or do I have to confess my full belief in the 4th century creed and never speak in a common understanding of the things of God, Christ and the Church, and only present scripture that seems to back the creed, and only convey matters after running them through the secret translator code box?
Big Bible Untohim will not allow that. He's got to protect all the little ones, that can't think for themselves, and that aren't able to entertain a open and free discussion about what's in the Bible.

Big Bible Untohim is the Witness Lee of the upper chamber of LCD, and therefore has to disallow any question of the trinity, or that Jesus is God, in the Evangelical upper chamber.

We don't allow burnings-at-the-stake these days. We just banish them to AltVs.
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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