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Old 08-22-2020, 09:11 PM   #12
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Default Re: "We Don't Care for Right and Wrong"

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is never once described as a bad thing. In fact it's described positively repeatedly. It was "bad" because it was forbidden. It wasn't forbidden because it was bad.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has stuck with us. We ate of it. So we have the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life remains in the Bible because we got cut off from it and are still waiting to be restored to it.
Great points here, Trapped.

This is so incredibly different from what Lee taught in the Genesis Life Study, and which laid a foundation for so many of his other teachings.

Lee taught that the TOKOGAE was inherently evil, and hence dangerous to eat, forever injecting Satan himself into the flesh of all mankind. Lee also downplayed the actual act of disobedience committed by Adam, which is emphasized by Paul in Romans.

Lee loved to use the example of a child raiding the medicine cabinet. Sure the child was told to stay out of the medicine, but the parent cared little about the act of disobediance, rather was concerned about the child being poisoned.

But where is that in the scripture? So after learning Lee's teachings here, then when we actually read the scripture, our concept is skewed out of place. The facts of the story then must fit our preconceptions, courtesy of Lee.
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