It's kind of humorous, it's kind of scary, it's definitely sad that posting a definite statement by Paul that there is but one God, the Father, would be so controversial in Christian circles. You would think I had blasfemed the Holy Spirit or something. Tritheism definitely has it clutches on the Christian mind, and has warped the gospel, the thinking and speaking concerning scripture, and really every aspect of the church. That's why my original premise was that to recover the church would be to go back to the foundational church basics as taught by Paul in his ministry. I'm sure there are numerous things Paul proposed that would need consideration, but the one foundational principle that should not be compromised would be God- one God the Father. You know-all things out of Him, and through Him and to Him, to whom be the glory forever, Amen, I think it was written.
That the idea of there being but one God the Father should not be a foreign thought to the Christians- it should be a beautiful thing. It sets the rest of the entire Christian narrative!