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Old 08-21-2020, 11:44 PM   #7
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: "We Don't Care for Right and Wrong"

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Yes, but there are many mentions of the tree of life. I suspect the word only mentions the knowledge tree once, because it's not a good thing and is temporary, but the tree of life will remain. Just my thought.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is never once described as a bad thing. In fact it's described positively repeatedly. It was "bad" because it was forbidden. It wasn't forbidden because it was bad.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil has stuck with us. We ate of it. So we have the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life remains in the Bible because we got cut off from it and are still waiting to be restored to it.

My thought is that it's a slippery slope you're describing to say something like "God is apart from that concept of right and wrong." God certainly let David know through Nathan that what he had done was wrong, and God punished David severely for it. God held quite tightly to the concept of right and wrong. But with God, it just doesn't stop there. He can always redeem even the most horrible situation. But He definitely doesn't skip over the right/wrong or "not care for it".

I honestly can't think of one scenario where we can say "God doesn't care about right and wrong." His sending His own Son to die was precisely because He had to care about right and wrong. He couldn't just forgive us without His righteousness being taken care of. If God didn't care about right and wrong, He wouldn't be God. I think this is one of the biggest misrepresentation, idolatrous, "God in Lee's own image" teachings that Lee put forth and wove almost inextricably throughout his ministry and throughout the atmosphere in the local churches.
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