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Old 08-21-2020, 11:26 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: "We Don't Care for Right and Wrong"

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
To drill down a little more, it's the perfect "non-answer" to any question that calls "the ministry" to account. And I think that's the point: avoidance. There are so many nonsensical Lee teachings that those who believe them need to come up with some way to shut down the conversation. What better way than to "only care for..." something that is undefined and inexplicable?
It's also curious that "we don't care for good and evil" or "we are not in the realm of right and wrong" are usually rolled out whenever someone is trying to say "Hey, that's wrong!"

It's a classic example of a thought-stopping cliche, and it's incredibly effective until you learn what it is and you realize how deformed you have to make the story in Genesis in order to squeeze this kind of lesson from it. It is a perfect non-answer. I mean, how are you supposed to respond to that kind of statement, besides, I guess, laughing in their face?
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